HIGH TEMP Welding Blankets (PAN CARBON FELT) Plumbing
by Eric SobierajTraditional Felt High Temp Welding and Plumbing pads, blankets!
Precursor Carbon Felt: Welding and Plumber Mat
Polyacrylonitrile fibers (PAN) will not burn, melt, soften, or drip. PAN fibers are extremely heat and flame resistant (up to 1800˚F), with low thermal conductivity. PAN fibers also have high electrical resistance and mechanical strength.
This High Temp Carbon Felt is ideal for Welding or other high temp needs.
Please check our online store for Smaller Quantities or contact us direct for larger quantities or custom sizes.
Stock Sizes Sold on the Buy Now Page.
Master Rolls: 72" x 50 Yards (3/16" and 1/8" Thick)
Custom Smaller Sizes Available as well as slitting.
Color: Black
Made in the USA.